Do not let the past hold you back from your future achievements.
The poem was written by Maya Angelou. This is a very inspiration poem that motivates the individuals to rise up despite the odd situations they have faced in the past. It inspires to appreciate our inner beauty, strength and resilience despite of the circumstances we face.
The poems chosen were the poems written by Edgar Alan Poe.
Poe's poems express a certain sadness, melancholy and hopelessness. It may seem a little morbid and discouraging, but the poet had an incredible ability to express sadness in his art and make it beyond palatable, stimulating, romantic and passionate.
Poe's writing has evolved over time and although it expresses extreme melancholy it can help us better deal with our sorrows, through art and interpretation.
His work is full of metaphors that intensify all sentimentality and express the poet's soul. His poems are romantic and extremely subjunctive, stimulating the reader's imagination and expression of senses.
Richness in the appearance of both the knight and his horse, the description of his horse as "monstrous", the statement that no man as mighty as the Green Knight has ever been known before.
Yo! I’d be so down to help but i’m not good with typing it out for you. What exactly do you need help with and I’d be so glad to help!! Just reply in the comments and i’ll help you out. <3