The First World War caused unprecedented disruption to societies across the globe, from Western and (especially) Central and Eastern Europe to East Africa. While many survivors could celebrate an end to war and cherish hopes for a brighter future, and while many consequences of the conflict – particularly demographic trends and family structures – may have been relatively short-term, other consequences of the war negatively affected people for years. Millions of men had to find their way back from war into civilian life in often difficult circumstances; societies were hollowed out, with the violent deaths of millions and millions not born; millions were scarred with disability and ill-health; many societies remained in a storm of violence that did not cease with the Armistice in 1918; postwar societies contained millions of people who had been uprooted; and war-related economic shocks destabilised societies for years to come.
La Primera Guerra Mundial causó una interrupción sin precedentes en las sociedades de todo el mundo, desde Europa occidental y (especialmente) Europa central y oriental hasta África oriental. Si bien muchos sobrevivientes pudieron celebrar el fin de la guerra y abrigar esperanzas de un futuro mejor, y si bien muchas de las consecuencias del conflicto, particularmente las tendencias demográficas y las estructuras familiares, pueden haber sido relativamente a corto plazo, otras consecuencias de la guerra afectaron negativamente a las personas durante años . Millones de hombres tuvieron que encontrar el camino de regreso de la guerra a la vida civil en circunstancias a menudo difíciles; las sociedades se ahuecaron, con la muerte violenta de millones y millones no nacidos; millones estaban marcados por discapacidad y problemas de salud; muchas sociedades permanecieron en una tormenta de violencia que no cesó con el Armisticio en 1918; las sociedades de posguerra contenían a millones de personas que habían sido desarraigadas; y los shocks económicos relacionados con la guerra desestabilizaron a las sociedades en los años venideros.
Latin and Greek were the official languages of the Roman Empire
The sentence shows that President Tyler saw Hawaiians and Hawaii as a place of complete disorganization, weak and lacking in civility, presenting a state of complete barbarism as he said.
The sentence shown in the question above was used by President Tyler as a way to justify Hawaii's annexation to American territory. To justify this desire, he promotes a prejudiced view of Hawaii and Hawaiians, comparing them with barbarians and presenting the territory as a place of weak and disorganized government.
However, the main reason behind the desire to annex Hawaii to the USA, was to have access to the port that allowed passage to China, India and Asia and to have other territorial advantages.
Rome's common people experienced the following problems:
Commoners could not marry patricians.
A commoner who could not repay what he owed became a victim of debt bondage.
Commoners were expected to serve as unpaid soldiers when necessary, and even supply
their own equipment.
Rome is the capital city of Italy. The post-Republican period of ancient Rome was considered as the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was famous for its most extensive political and social structure in western civilization.
During early days of the republic, common people in Rome faced many problems. In olden days commoners could not marry the patricians.
The commoner became the victim of debt bondage if he fails to repay what he owed.
Commoners were expected to work as unpaid soldiers when necessary, and also made to supply their own equipment.
We need to find greatest number that divide both 30 and 42. That number is also called "greatest common divisor". Numbers that divide both 30 and 42 are 1,2,3 and 6.
Therefore greatest number of identical baskets is 6. Each will consist 30/6=5 sandwiches and 42/6=7 cookies.