Treatment , frequency, treatment
It states why a counterargument is weak.
This passage describes how BSE is found in the United States. There is a piece of evidence to prove this. The writer includes evidence and his knowledge to explain to readers what type of disease is and what it could cause. All of these clues, he lists and concludes to deny a counterargument.
He especially points out the number of dead people, to show the importance of the situation and rebut the counterargument.
To the principal of (give here school/college name)
( Give here your residential address)
Sub: Application for leave due to sickness
Date:Give particular day date
Respected sir/ madam,
With due respect and humble submission i would like to state that i couldn't be able to attend in my regular classes because I have been suffering from sickness from some days before and doctor has advised me to take some,i couldn't be able to present or stand in my exams ..
So,it's my honour request to you to please grant me leave for the absence of these long days..
I would be very thankful to you if you understand my position and grant me leave for the absence of these days..
Thank you,
Your obedient student
Roll no.:
Guardian sign:
All the words that I utter,
And all the words that I write,
Must spread out their wings untiring,
And never rest in their flight,
Till they come where your sad, sad heart is,
And sing to you in the night,
Beyond where the waters are moving,
Storm-darken’d or starry bright.
crowdfunding can help by creating extra money that you can use for yourself, your school, or your community.
It could help rebuild parks, add extra books to the school library, and even big things like create enough money to create a new classroom.
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