<span>If I like it:
Yes, I like this poem. It seems/feels so intimate, yet somehow I feel connected to the character.
What emotions are there:
I believe the emotions a reader would feel would be sorrow, pity, despair, grief and helplessness because he/she has no power to help the abused.
What I would add to make it better:
I probably wouldn't, perhaps start posting it publicly to sites like 'Wattpad', to get a wider perspective from public comments.</span>
I believe you have to write up your own. I hope this comes in handy^-^
Here are the correct definitions : <span>A, E, D, C, B</span>
On the contrary - <span>To Compare
</span>In addition - <span>To add
</span>For instance - <span> To give an example
</span>Afterward - To show sequence or results
I'm sure it helps!
An expectant father waits to learn the outcome of his wife’s labor and delivery. In his brief exchanges with another father-to-be the reader is apprised of Mr. Knechtmann’s history. He and his wife are holocaust survivors; their only prior child died in a displaced-person’s camp in Germany--and there is no one to carry on the proud family name if this infant is not healthy. A bored nurse comes to inform Heinz that he has a son and everyone is well.