"The Gift of the Magi" tells the story of a young couple Jim and Della. Christmas is coming, and each wants to buy the other a present. The problem is that they really cannot afford to spend a lot of money on presents. Jim treasures his gold pocket watch, which has been given to him by his father. Della treasures her long, beautiful hair.
As the story progresses, the two struggle to think of ways to buy a Christmas present for each other. Finally, on Christmas Eve, Della realizes she has next to no money left for her husband's Christmas present. What will she do???
At this point, she goes into town to search for something to buy with the little money she has. She knows that her husband's most prized possession is his pocket watch. She thinks that maybe she could buy him a chain for it, but they are all too expensive.
That's when Della realizes she has a way to EARN the money -- her hair. She runs out and has it cut short. She is able to sell the hair for enough money to buy the chain for her husband's watch.
Her husband comes home with a present for Della. When he sees her, however, he is shocked. She tells him she cut her hair for his present. When Jim hands her his present, we can see why he was so shocked. He had bought her a pair of really expensive hair combs. How could he afford such a gift? He had sold his most prized possession -- his watch -- just to buy his wife a present.
Of course, now that Della has short hair, she cannot use the combs. And, now that Jim has sold his watch, he has no use for the chain. That aside, their love for one another is the greatest gift of all.
And so, Della's problem was how to buy a gift for her beloved husband. She solves this problem by selling her most prized possession, her hair.
Cantebury, macadory
starshine, beeline
exhuberant, how Jubilant!
funny, Johnny, how cunning.
Loftful and thoughtful.
Make me never awful.
Happytime, sunshine
run wild, be a child!
The two correct answers are:
"He found that children and adults who have read stories their whole lives were more likely to correctly identify the feelings and thoughts of others than those who do not read regularly."
"Trying to understand these characters exercises the same mental muscle that helps us understand people in the real world."
First, let's take a look at the statement:
"People who read stories are better at sharing and understanding other people's feelings."
The question asks us to find two other statements that support the sentence above. To do that, <u>we can simply ask why or how we know this. Why do people who read stories understand other people's feelings better? How do we know that this is true? Whatever statement answers these questions is providing evidence or supporting them by explaining them.</u>
<u>The two last options are the best ones, in this case. People who read stories understand others' feelings better because they exercise the same mental muscle that does that understanding when they read. They do so by trying to understand the characters. This is what the last option tells us. How do we know that this is true? Because the researcher found out that children and adults who have read stories all their lives are more likely to identify feelings correctly. This is what the second to last option tells us.</u>
<h2>I think its
D tell me if i am wrong ( if i am sorry...)</h2>