В. It is possible that your body weight is within the appropriate range, but your body composition is not.
The "BMI" or <em>"Body Mass Index" </em>is used in order to know whether the weight of a person is within the normal range. However, <em><u>it's not a real indicator for a person's body fat composition in the body.</u></em>
For example, a person within the normal weight may look healthy because his BMI is within the standard range; however, he may actually be fatty on the inside if his body composition will be checked. Another example are the weightlifters. They may seem heavy on the outside and their BMI are above the normal range; however, their body fat composition is low. So, this means they're healthier though they're overweight.
1. Enterprise workplace agreements.
2. legistative requirements for employee dismissal.
3. legistative requirements to provide a safe work environment.
4. Relevant state and territory employment legislation.
5. some legal rights are statutory .This means everyone has them.
6. An employer's rights are the employee's responsibilities (and vice versa).
Butter is a good fat to use to help it rise and cornflour is also good to make it light and fluffy :3
They can be found naturally in earth