Answer: How should the law respond to people who engage in civil with the aim of bringing about a change in laws or government policies. Some theorists go further and say that civil disobedience is, ... Accepting punishment also can have great strategic value, as Martin Luther King Jr observes: 'If you confront ...
Definitions · Justification · Rights · Punishment
The reason why spanish contact with Incas drove capitalism in Europe is multifold. After being exposed to the riches of the Incas empire, more and more ships were created in Europe (introducing more producers of ships and shipping supplies, etc.) because more and more people wanted to go to the New world themselves and exploit the riches that were available there.
The Russian Empire was compromised of a vast amount of lands, so subsequently there are dozens of different ethnicity's across it including the Bashkirs, Yakuts, Nogais, and etc.
The correct answer is C, as the invasion was key in forcing the Germans to retreat to the East.
The decision to undertake an invasion through the English Channel in 1944 was made at the Trident Conference in Washington DC, in May 1943. US General Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed commander of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force ( SHAEF) and British General Bernard Montgomery commander of the XXIst Army Group, which brought together all the ground forces that would take part in the invasion. The chosen place was the coast of the French region of Normandy, where five beaches were selected which were given code names: Utah and Omaha, which would be attacked by the Americans, Sword and Gold, target of the British, and the beach Juno, place of disembarkation of the Canadians. The French ports were strongly defended, which led to the creation of two artificial piers, called Mulberry, and specially modified tanks were used to overcome the difficulties expected on the beaches. In the months prior to the operation, the Allies carried out an elaborate military distraction maneuver, Operation Bodyguard, using both electronic and visual disinformation. With this they managed to avoid that the Germans knew the date and location of the landings. Adolf Hitler had commissioned the reputed field marshal Erwin Rommel to supervise and improve a chain of coastal fortifications known as the Atlantic Wall, in anticipation of the enemy attack.
The Allies were not able to achieve the objectives planned for the first day, but they did secure a precarious beachhead that they expanded tenaciously in the following days, with the capture of the port of Cherbourg on June 26 and the city of Caen on the July 21. The German counterattack on August 8 failed and left 50,000 soldiers of the VII Army of the Wehrmacht trapped in the so-called Falaise bag. On August 15, the Allies launched an invasion of southern France, Operation Dragoon, and on August 25 the Liberation of Paris took place. German forces withdrew through the Seine river valley on August 30, marking the end of Operation Overlord.
After being sent to new land in the Indian Territory because of the Indian Removal Act, the Five Tribes began to place more of an emphasis on ranching. These tribes had used livestock ranching and herding on their old land, but the plains of the Indian Territory were excellent for open-range grazing. The tribes usually shared cattle and land communally. This meant that the tribe held ownership over herds instead of having smaller herds that were owned by individuals. The tribes began to create ranching and herding operations that would allow them to sell cattle, but the Civil War caused many changes that hindered these efforts.