The probability is just 1/2 that the disc will result with the white side landing up.
There are two sides to the disc. If they are equally likely to happen, then the chance of either side is 1/2. It does not matter which number the flip is.

Step-by-step explanation:
Since we see that 3/7 is multiplied by itself three times, we can use exponents as a shorter way to write this. The expontent tells us how many times the base number, 3/7, is multiplied by itself.
We then multiply by -1 to (3/7)^3 to get the exact answer.


Step-by-step explanation:

Swap sides:

Multiply both sides by 5:

Step-by-step explanation:
Polynomial equation solverStandard form:s2 + 5s + 4 = 0Factorization:(s + 4)(s + 1) = 0Solutions based on factorization:<span><span>s + 4 = 0 ⇒ <span>s1</span> = −4</span><span>s + 1 = 0 ⇒ <span>s2</span> = −1</span></span>Extrema:Min = (−2.5, −2.25)<span><span>-4-2-4-22</span><span>x:-4y:0</span></span>