Asexual reproduction is an advantage because they don't need to depend on contacting a suitable mate, or expand energy producing gametes and attractions, in order to spread .
sexual reproduction is an advantage because it enables the exchange of genetic information and produces variety in the offspring that makes them more resilient and capable of adapting to changes in their environment .
No this is false sinking of dense, cold water with high salinity
A phytochemical is a naturally occurring substance found in plant foods that may help prevent and treat chronic illnesses or diseases like cancer and heart disease. Some of these give plants their pretty colors, like the blue in blue berries and the red in raspberries and other phytochemicals give plants their distinctive aroma. They offer many benefits to human health when consumed such as offering protection to many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart diseases among others.
The nucleus stores genetic information
no. domain is the largest scale of measuring of life