"<span>C. Colonies of imperial nations, such as Congo and India" would be the best option, since most of Europe's colonies during this time were heavily exploited in terms of people and resources. </span>
The Camp David Accords were a series of agreements signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin following nearly two weeks of secret negotiations at Camp David, the historic country retreat of the president of the United States. President Jimmy Carter brought the two sides together, and the accords were signed on September 17, 1978. The landmark agreement stabilized the fractious relations between Israel and Egypt, though the long-term impact of the Camp David Accords remains up for debate.
Read the following quote from Frederick Douglass:
“Verily, the work does not end with the abolition of slavery, but only begins.”
What does Douglass mean by this statement? What work might need to be done in 1865?
Answer: The executive official that are most closely associated with lawmaking is the Legislative Branch.
The Legislative Branch consists of 16 standing (or permanent) committees; the House of Representatives has 22. Each specializes in specific areas of legislation: foreign affairs, defense, banking, agriculture, commerce, appropriations and other fields.
Every bill introduced in either house is referred to a committee for study and recommendation. The committee may approve, revise, kill or ignore any measure referred to it. It is nearly impossible for a bill to reach the House or Senate floor without first winning committee approval. In the House, a petition to discharge a bill from a committee requires the signatures of 218 members; in the Senate, a majority of all members is required. In practice, such discharge motions only rarely receive the required support.
Source: http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/outlines/government-1991/the-legislative-branch-the-reach-of-congress/the-lawmaking-process.php
State and local governments have increasingly merged to challenge federal power and authority.