Socioeconomic factors mean the specific circumstances which inhibit an individual's abilities or opportunities based upon their financial viability and social standing. When people have fewer opportunities due to social problems, this is due to lack of education, which can often mean that a child is not encouraged to attend school to learn, or their parents have health or addiction problems resulting in a lack of inspiration or motivation to widen opportunities. As socioeconomic factors increase (limiting access to opportunities) so illiteracy rates rise.
It makes a text of 50-70 words to begin with: look at the world with wide open eyes, and end up with the words: there has been a miracle!
Type of news in the sentence (action is worship)
That is what it says I think that’s what you wanted
All of them or some of them
Answer:I'm only a year or so in to learning but believe it's more or less a partial phrase.
こんにち is like "this day" and は is just the particle
So こんにちは is like "as for this day(it is 'insert unspoken words')"
Same with こんばんは "as for this evening"
If you were to say to someone on the street "Beautiful day" which is just an adjective and a noun but doesn't have a verb anywhere, you'd know they just meant "It's a beautiful day out, don't you agree?" and that it was a greeting.
The whole partial phrase thing happens a lot in casual speech. When someone asks あなたは "as for you?", it's typically asked as a question but doesn't have a か or anything about what is being asked. Context.