I could not find the rest of the question so I do not know where can find the figurative language but I will tell you something more about it so you can find it by yourself.
The figurative language implies on usage of words that are making usually phrases that do not have a normal or literal meaning. Figurative language is often used by poets and writers. They are using this type of language in order to give the words and sentence powerful meaning.
Mia 's barrier to critical thinking is 4.<em>thinking that she is too smart</em>. She thinks herself to be that smart because of her intelligence performance- IQ- ; she has been evaluated with a much higher grade -145- than the average. As a consequence, she cannot understand - <em>she gets upset</em> - why she is asked to give an answer to her classmates' different or opposing ideas. She mistakes critical debates for questioning her intelligence; she thinks her 145 IQ is synonymous with the absolute truth.
1. Time is not correct because this is not a factor to be considered when debating critically.
2.lack of understanding. Mia undesrtands perfectly well the teacher's instructions. Her problem is not rational but emotional.
3.IQ philosophy. In fact, Mia 's intelligence has been measured using this IQ philosophy, but it is <em>her attitude</em> what works as a barrier for critical thinking.