The weevil, cotton's greatest enemy, not only cut production levels in half in many areas but also increased the mass migration of white and Black tenant farmers from rural Georgia that had begun during World War I. The insect reduced the state's cotton yields an average of 29 percent from 1918 to 1924. as well as share cropping
Erosion is a natural process, though it is often increased by humans' use of the land. Deforestation, overgrazing, construction, and road building often expose soil and sediments and lead to increased erosion. Excessive erosion leads to loss of soil, ecosystem damage, and a buildup of sediments in water sources.
Atualização: o Distrito Federal, por pura displicência deste que vos escreve, ficou de fora da lista. Eis os dados:
Quanto paga ao governo federal: 50.454.719.368,50
Quanto recebe do governo federal: 7.356.318.744,45 E
Espero ter ajudado
my teacher told me that they were always one emotional story told.