Blue and yellow mixed together makes green more blue than yellow make more of a teal
God is faithful unlike us human beings(even if we try our hardest) so he always finds a way to keep his promises. He can do it in ways that we don't expect or it may take time for the promise to be fulfilled. For example; Abraham and Sarah. They were way too old to have children and God had promised that Abraham will be the father of many nations. Yet Abraham was given a son by Sarah (who was around 90), Isaac. Later on down the line is us, the many nations. God always has a plan for when we go astray. No matter what we do he always wants us back. He will either bring up a conscience or reveal it to you through visions or dreams or send someone to warn you.
B. they were trades men or merchants of society
You can attend any music school and learn baroque music
The Greeks contributed many paintings and sculptures. They also contributed architecture as well. The Greeks used their skills in <span>architecture</span> and made many temple, palaces, and many great sculptures you can now see in some museums
I hope this helps!