Science and its advancement have been a blessing in disguise to the whole world. It has not only changed the way people think about life but also the way they live and this world works as a whole. Due to the advancement of science, the world has seen a lot of development on medicines and technological fields. Above all, it has changed the way students learn, and their believes too.
Learning is now learner centered, whereby, students find all the relevant information applicable to their field of study. Teachers no more have to provide notes and learning materials to the students, because better and reliable information are easily accessible on the internet due to the advancement in technology. This has increased the learning capacity of students and increased their potential to grab information and retain it. In most of the education systems, textbooks are replaced with games, so as to make learning fun for students. This has comparatively made students more attentive.
Nowadays, most of the students discard religious and mythological theories of human evolution and existence. They rather believe in scientific theories because it provides detailed and valid explanations of how life formed and the same process continues to this days. Therefore, students now don't have faith in age old stereotypes on race and caste and treat everyone the same way. They believe in the biological process of life formation and respect the other person's ideas.
All in all, science has brought about a huge revolution in the lives of students. The way students learn and act are all shaped by science and not by mythological theories anymore.
hope it helps you:)