Answer: This is called a tragic hero. Someone who is doomed to die, yet as a good person. For example: Hamilton was a tragic hero, he was intellectual, intelligent, and truly a writer, however he knew this about himself and became somewhat arrogant and conceded, his will to prove he was the best in end was his downfall. Another example was John Proctor in The Crucible, had he admitted he was in league with witches and the devil he would be granted his life, however hiding true to his faith and loyalty to God, he never once allowed himself to lie. Knowing his life maybe spared, but his soul forever tainted in the eyes of God. A tragic hero is a person of good heart and soul, who allows their flaws to get the best of them. Proctors flaw was his honesty at all costs, even the cost of his life.
Hope this helps ^_^
His own drawings contradicted everything he felt about the things found in the chest. When all of the things he found in the chest disgusted him and proved to be worthless to him, his drawings had elicited feelings he had from his childhood. He soon realizes how important those things in the chest were especially that a part of his childhood was found there.
B Sometimes people take advantage of the kindness of their friends.
"Lazy Anansi" is an African folktale from the state of Ghana which tells the story of how spiders came to have long, thin legs. The story also deals with a good moral of why it is bad manners to rely on or take advantage of other people's goodness.
The tale tells how Anansi, a lazy spider would depend on others for his meals, visiting one friend after another for their food. And amidst this habit, he got stuck with everyone's offer to eat with them. And thus ended up hurting his own body when they all pulled his web to let him know the food was ready. And in the process of doing so, the friends had unknowingly hurt him physically, thus leading to the thin and long legs of spiders.
Thus, the <u>main theme of the fable is that sometimes people take undue advantage of the kindness and goodness of others, like he spider Anansi.</u>