In this short story, Dorris Lessing describes a fifteen year old boy who goes hunting every morning. One day the boy notices a buck that is wounded. It was about to die. This scene continues in the story with the following sentences: "It came into his mind that he should shoot it and end its pain; and he raised the gun. Then he lowered it again."
Main event 2: Bud having the pencil stuck up his nose and retaliating. That led to him being locked up in the shed, which led to him running away. Main event 3: Bud meeting up with Bugs and the two of them going to Hooverville. Main event 5.
Technology is one thing but the internet is another. TECHNOLOGY, thats one of man's greatest inventions so far. It's really not costing humans anything. Other than... Eyesight? I guess? Every time second after second I guess were losing a bit. Just a tiny bit of our eyesight. Although i'm pretty sure that was not your question. Well, I honestly do not really know.