When considering a career, and the path to that career, it's important to take into account the average annual salary, the cost of the education, the length of the education, and the future of the industry you want to enter.
1: Community needs
2: Finances and accountability
3: Stereotyping
4: Accessibilty
Indian culture enriched the Islamic civilization. The key Indian influences after the conquest of Sind were the following ones:
1) Indian achievements and progress in science, medicine, astronomy, and arts, including music, were passed to the Arabs.
2) What are currently known as "Arabic numbers" have roots in the acceptance of Indian numerals.
3) Arabs adopted Indian customs and traditions while, at the same time, they spread Islam.
4) Islamic governments adopted some Indian political traditions.
If a personality survey with high internal consistency includes two different questions related to the personality dimension of agreeableness, then which of the following is true?
A) It is impossible to predict how people will answer the second question based on how they answered the first question
B) If people give an extreme answer to the first question, they will tend to give the opposite extreme answer to the second question
C) People will tend to give dissimilar answers to both questions.
D) People will tend to give similar answers to both questions
E) If people give a moderate answer to the first question, they will tend to give an extreme answer to the second question
The correct choice is A)
The essence of having two different questions against a particular trait is to see to what degree the questions elicit the correct answer, (or help us understand the attributes of the test take). If it was possible to predict how both questions would be answered, then the purpose is defeated from the start.
A hidden message in the truman show, his entire life is being monitored or basically controlled and in the music industry and celebrities, they cant control their lives their music they make is not their choice once you reach a certain amount of fame the illuminatii basically takes over, they controll the media the press they have elimanated many of them such as Michael Jackson for example they used the media against him, and then took him out like they tried to do to truman when he knew what was goin on . same with many many celebrities, do research about it look it up on the internet