A long history with corrected blemishes exhibits that though mistakes were made, they were corrected which allows for those viewing your credit history to know that you've learned to fix mistakes making you trustworthy and experienced. Meanwhile, a short clear history doesn't provide enough information and dose't show what could happen overtime and how you would handle it.
Whether you’ve had credit for six months or 20 years can make a big difference in your credit score. A long track record without any major slip-ups suggests that your credit behavior will be similar in the future — and lenders and credit card issuers like that. Being an authorized user on an old, established account in which the primary cardholder has excellent credit may help your score a little, but the passage of time during which you build or maintain good credit helps the most. Keep the length of credit history in perspective: It’s only one element influencing your credit score, and not the most important one at that.
Geographycally speaking, Russia is situated North and West of China.
They are both countries which expand on a vast territory and confine with many countries:
China also confines with: North Korea on the East, Mongolia on the North, Kazakistan, Kirghizistan, Tagikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in the West, and Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam in the South.
While Russia confines with: Kazakistan, Mongolia and Georgia on the South, Ucraina, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia and Finland on the West.
Waves transmit energy, not water, and are commonly caused by the wind as it blows across the ocean, lakes, and rivers. Waves caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun are called tides. The ebb and flow of waves and tides are the life force of our world ocean.
Son Papua Nueva Guinea(en lenguaje), Tanzania(en razas), y la republica democrática del Congo(en razas).