The Red Sea and the Suez Canal are of strategic value in the region because this is one of the most important transport points for oil in the entire world. Much of the oil that comes from the Persian Gulf travels through the Suez Canal on its way to Europe and the United States. Control and stability of this area is of vital importance to the United States and European governments and markets.
6. If the air temperature remains constant, evaporating water into the air will increase the dew point and increase the relative humidity.
Hurricanes only form in the western hemisphere
Typhoons only form in the eastern hemisphere
All of Asia is in the eastern hemisphere so it IS IMPOSSIBLE for a hurricane to be a hazard in East Asia
b. Tsunamis
Tsunamis are sequence of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruption leading to large amount of deaths. The earthquake causes movement of the seafloor and the massive displacement of large amount of water which in turn leads to a Tsunami.
The earthquakes are as a result of the tectonic plates sliding each other causing faults and cracks on the earth crusts.