Greek and Roman civilizations set the foundations for art, literature, and architecture for many civilizations to come, including the Byzantine Empire. To clarify, the Byzantine Empire was the remnants of the Roman Empire, which fell due to invasions from Germanic tribes from the north, who were pushed into Roman territory by the Huns. Because most of its people were Roman, the Byzantine Empire adopted many customs and art forms from the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire, in turn, was affected by Greek culture, when Alexander the Great took much of the land that the Roman Empire would come to be settled on as well as Greece. The combination of the cultures from the lands Alexander took and Greek culture was called Hellenistic culture, and most Roman beliefs and ideas came from this. This is evident in Roman gods, who are essentially the same as the gods in Greek mythology, save for different names.
To recap, the culture of the Byzantine Empire was largely based off of that of the Roman Empire, whose culture was largely based off of Greek culture.
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B. It made her realize that life is too short not to embrace adventure, resulting in her being excited about the tubing trip.
Wilson believed that fundamental flaws in international relations created an unhealthy climate that led inexorably to the World War. His 14 points outlined his vision for a safer world. Wilson called for an end to secret diplomacy, a reduction of armaments, and freedom of the seas. He claimed that reductions to trade barriers, fair adjustment of colonies, and respect for national self-determination would reduce economic and nationalist sentiments that lead to war.
These groups became the grassroots organizers of future sit-ins at lunch counters, wade-ins at segregated swimming pools, and pray-ins at white-only churches. By sitting in protest at an all-white lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, four college students sparked national interest in the push for civil rights.