The British, who were present in large numbers, sometimes treated the Native Americans harshly and allowed settlers to take Native American lands. However, the French, with fewer settlers, wanted the Native Americans as allies.
Weary of the Negro Question means that the person does not want to deal with the question of racism and slavery any more and the ways of promoting civil rights, while the second one means that the person is sick of Northern Politicians who moved south just to become the ruling class.
pope urban called on the christians from all over Europe to retake the holy land from the Muslim Turks
The American continent was populated relatively recently: the man only appeared at the end of the Paleolithic. Between 50,000 and 12,000 BC reached the first people to the New World, and soon the whole American continent was populated by people.
From linguistic and archaeological studies indicate that the Mayans already around 2000 BC. one must have been recognizable culture. The ethnogenesis of the Mayas took place most likely in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes in western Guatemala. Archaeology has shown that the Maya already from that time began to put down his buildings for ceremonial purposes. From this early time is not quite clear where the boundaries lie between the actual Maya and their neighbors, the Olmecs. The two cultures seem to have influenced each other. Eventually, the Olmec culture faded after its influence on the Yucatán Peninsula to have the current Guatemala expanded.
En su papel de celoso defensor del cristianismo, Carlomagno dio dinero y tierras a la iglesia cristiana y protegió a los papas. Como una forma de reconocer el poder de Carlomagno y reforzar su relación con la iglesia, el Papa León III coronó al emperador Carlomagno de los romanos el 25 de diciembre de 800 en San