There's a big drive to expand educational opportunities after World War II. Why is that? Well, we have a lot of soldiers returning from the war and they want to pursue their educational interests through the GI bill. And so, we see the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 and the Vocational Education Act of 1963. These are going to lead to the formation of the Oklahoma Division of Technical Training. This is going to be an organization that's going to help establish a vocational-tech school system statewide. A school system that's going to be focused on providing students with proper education, so they can go out and do vocational things-- do job-related skills. Things like machining, auto repair, electronics, plumbing, and other kinds of trades. Now, vocational-technical education is eventually going to develop into today's community college system as they expand the offerings and start offering liberal arts types of educations. And it's going to provide education and training on a range of topics to prepare students not only for careers but then also for four-year universities. Now, many of these community colleges are going to serve local populations in towns in rural areas.
Okay, so obviously nuclear weapons proved to be a threat that would possibly destroy the world. The Soviet Union and the United States build up a stockpile of nuclear weapons and used the fact that the world may be destroyed to keep the other country at bay.