Таныг амьсгал боогдов гэж найдаж байна
I’m going to assume that “Nancy’s” is the highlighted noun. Thus, it should be:
We went home early from (her) party.
Let me know if a different one is highlighted because I can’t tell.
I need help ,,,,,,,,,,,, thanks
Nastasia [14]
A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. For example, words <em>humorous </em>and<em> hilarious </em>mean the same as the word <em>funny</em>. Those words are synonyms. When one word has more than one meaning, we need to be careful when determining synonyms. For example, the word <em>pupil</em> referring to a part of the eye is not synonymous with the word <em>student</em>. But, when it's referring to a student, those words are synonyms.
Your task was to pair the word with its synonym. The solutions are the following:
1. Knack - Talent
2. Paragraph - Passage
3. Maintain - Insist on
4. Break - Shatter
5. Uneasy - Restless
An antonym is a word or a phrase that has an exact opposite meaning from another word or phrase in the same language. We could say that the word <em>antonym</em> is an antonym of the word <em>synonym</em>. Another example are words<em> fast </em>and <em>slow, noisy</em> and <em>quiet</em>. We need to pay attention to the meaning of the word when determining antonyms as well. <em>Fast</em> doesn't have to mean only <em>moving at high speed </em>but <em>firmly fixed or attached, </em>as well. In the second case, the antonym is <em>loose</em>, not <em>slow</em>.
The solutions to your task are the following:
1. Cheerful - Gloomy
2. Lose - Capture
3. Whisper - Exclaim
4. Hero - Coward
5. Deep - Shallow