Answer: Republic
Explanation: The Roman tribes were long under the rule of Etruscan, so that when they overthrew the Etruscan power, they founded Rome sometime in 753 BCE. After that, Rome was ruled by kings, until the last king was thrown out of the throne and the Roman Republic was established in 509 BCE. Such a Roman Republic represented all citizens, and this right of citizenship could only be realized by the successors of the Roman tribes.
Not sure but hope what I know help a little...Slavery was “an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and the State,” said Abraham Lincoln in the 1850s. Yet in his first inaugural address, Lincoln declared that he had “no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with slavery in the States where it exists.” He reiterated this pledge in his first message to Congress on July 4, 1861, when the Civil War was three months old.<span>Did You Know?When it took effect in January 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation freed 3.1 million of the nation's 4 million slaves.</span>
What explains this apparent inconsistency in Lincoln’s statements? And how did he get from his pledge not to interfere with slavery to a decision a year later to issue an emancipation proclamation? The answers lie in the Constitution and in the course of the Civil War. As an individual, Lincoln hated slavery. As a Republican, he wished to exclude it from the territories as the first step to putting the institution “in the course of ultimate extinction.”
Other allies of the country with the soviet missles could be angry at Ameica. That would leave them to be hostile. Also, America doesn't want to kill its citizens.
<span>This is true. After the revolution the name was changed from St. Petersburg to Petrograd, which means Peter's city, and a bit later it was further changed into Leningrad. This was because the soviets wanted to completely secularize themselves and remove all figures that were related to the monarchy. In 1991 it changed its name back to St Petersburg.</span>