They were made trustees over the land.
The correct answers should be
<span>2 Serfs had to pay landowners a large tax and a fee for loans.
3 The zemstvos in charge of collecting taxes exploited the lower classes.
Zemstvos were like local governments that gained power due to the rise of capitalism which allowed accumulation of wealth. The serfs were no longer serfs but they had to pay huge taxes which led to civil unrest since poverty rose and often people starved to death because of inability to pay debt and taxes.</span>
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las principales diferencias entre el estado de derecho liberal y el estado social de derecho son estas.
El Estado de Derecho Liberal surge a consecuencia de los regímenes absolutistas que dominaron por un tiempo en distintas naciones que tenían monarquías absolutas, en donde el poder del rey era supremo e incuestionable. El Estado Liberal considera que las libertades de los ciudadanos son necesarias en un régimen de participación democrática y en donde existe una separación de poderes que garantice a justicia y facilite una economía basada en el libre mercado.
El Estado Social de Derecho busca dar prioridad al bienestar social de las personas, en lugar de poner énfasis en modelos económicos liberales. El Estado social se enfoca más en la igualdad social, el reparto más equitativo de la riqueza y el trato justo a los trabajadores.
<span>No, this does mean that the aversion trait evolves in the cockroach populations exposed to the bait. Cockroaches are a diverse species. This diversity is one of the reasons they thrive. Not all cockroaches will be strongly attracted to hydramethylnon-corn syrup. However, the ones that are all died and can not procreate. The cockroaches that are not very attracted to the syrup live on to breed, and pass along the aversion trait. So the trait does not necessarily evolve, but it does become more prevalent.</span>
New networks were built in the west