If this is the missing excerpt,
When any of them come into our Towns, our People are apt to croud round them, gaze upon them, & incommode them where they desire to be private; this they esteem great Rudeness, the Effect of & Want of Instruction in the Rules of Civility & good Manners. We have, say they, as much Curiosity as you, and when you come into our Towns, we wish for Opportunities of looking at you; but for this purpose we hide our Selves behind Bushes where you are to pass, and never intrude ourselves into your Company.—
My answer:
the Native Americans' poor treatment of settlers who enter their settlement
Indirect Characterization refers to what the character says or does. In the above passage, the author wrote what the character does. We, as the readers, only infer what the character is all about because we cannot read his mind or "get inside his head".
Direct Characterization refers to what the narrator directly says or thinks about the character. The reader is told what the character is like.
A. need
It is the one that flows best when speaking the sentence out loud.
A. I would like to apply for the job listed on your website. I would really enjoy working for your company.