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Maps are usually classified according to their use. The emphasis in general purpose maps is on location. Wall maps, most maps found in atlases, and road maps are all in this category. Thematic maps, also referred to as special-purpose maps, illustrate the geographical distribution of a particular theme or phenomenon.
Hello! Your answer shall be, BELOW
1.At the age of 7, Spartan boys were removed from their parents' homes and began the “agoge,” a state-sponsored training regimen designed to mold them into skilled warriors and moral citizens.
2.Sparta was a city in Greece in which the form of the kingdom in the form of joint authority was preserved. Spartan political system was a combination of monarchy (kings), oligarchy (Gerousia) and democracy (ephoroi, ephors)
Hope I helped! Ask me anything if you have any questions. Brainiest plz!♥ Hope you make a 100%. Have a nice morning! -Amelia♥
The government set standards for workplace safety
The Justinian Code forms part of the Corpus Juris civilis. Published on April 7, 529, the Justinian Code was drawn up under the Byzantine emperor Justinian by a commission of imperial officials and professors of law schools, chaired by the jurist Tribonien.
It comprises several laws regarding taxes, religion, private relations, crime and legal proceedings, among others. Compared to the previous rules, the Justinian Code is characterized by the fact that the emperor becomes the sole source of law: the emperor alone is invested with the right to impose the rules of law such as injunctions or commandments, this right being withdrawn from the magistrates.