Find the LCM(lowest common multiple) of 8, 24 and 6.
The LCM of 8, 24 and 6 is 24.
We now want to turn all the denominators into 24 so we are going multiply 7/8 by 3 and 1/6 by 4. We won't need to turn the denominator of 3/24 into 24 because it's already 24
Whatever you do to the denominator you have to do to the numerator, so you also have to multiply the numerator of 7/8 by 3 and the numerator of 1/6 by 4
That now results in 21/8 + 2 3/24 + 6 4/24
Now you have to add all the fractions together which is going to equal to 28/24
Because 28/24 is more than the whole, subtract 28 from 24 which gives us 4. That 4 is now our new numerator
We are now going to all the whole numbers 6+2+1=9. Incase you're wondering, the '1' came from the 28/24
The answer you should get should be 9 4/24 or if it should be simplified it would be 9 1/6