Over his life attila battled the romans and the chinese. he used raid tactics to burn down small villages then when the lords of the lands he was raiding sent their army he would use every dirty tactic in the book. poison, night raids, anything to win.
The correct answer would be boycotts.
During 1965, the United Farm Workers organized the Delano gripe strike. This strike also included a boycott of this product, meaning these individuals would refuse to buy grapes.The goal of this was to cut into the profits of the individuals who they were striking against.
The Southern Christian Leadership helped to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott during the 1950's. This was sparked by the anger from citizens who heard about the Rosa Parks story. This strike lasted over a year and cut into the profits of bus operators all across the city of Montgomery.
Using speed and surprise in lightning war
blitzkrieg means lightning war in German