1. Dinero llama dinero.
Tener cierto capital inicial nos hará más propensos a generar más riqueza.
2. A la tercera va la vencida.
No debemos desistir en nuestros intentos por perseverar.
3. Más vale prevenir que lamentar.
Tomar precauciones es una forma inteligente de evitar males mayores.
– ¡Tamaa-leees oaxaqueñoooos, llevee sus ricos tamales…! – Venta de tamales.
– ¡Tortillaaas, lleve sus ricas tortillas calientitaaas! – Ofrecimiento de tortillas hechas de maíz.
– ¡Llegó el pan, a solo tres pesitos llegó el pan! – Vendedor de Pan.
Here are the answers:
5. Consumers small, regular payments on large purchases.
6. Increase in consumerism.
7. Many people could no longer afford to live there.
8. Assembly lines
9. Decrease tourism and high taxes.
10. Workers stopped trying to win better wages through unions.
11. More workers were needed in industries that msde related parts.
12. Protect U.S. business from competition.
13. Like Harding, Coolidge tried to keep government out of business.
14. The global economy declined because of lowered trade.
15. Domestic businesses.
B. The goal of the Confederates and the Union was to capture the other side's capital city.
the expansion of armies through militarism
the spread of nationalism through revolts
the creation of alliances through treaties
the increase of imperialism through conquests