it's best if you don't beat around the bush and tell everyone the truth
I'm not sure there is a misplaced modifier, but there still is a problem. Students are 3rd person, you is second person. It is more common to use you in this instance. According to the new rules, you will not be allowed access to computers only if you arrive before 9 p.m.
Marginally I don't think According to the new rules is a dangling modifier. Others may not agree. You can get rid of the beginning of the sentence if you are not sure.
Answer: The new rules just came out. Those rules say that you will not be allowed access to the computers if you arrive later than 9:00 p.m.
Clara and Obi go to a doctor who says he cannot perform an abortion, and it is not until they reach a second doctor who says that he will perform the abortion (only for cash) that they are able to arrange everything.
Spot sounds like a firefighting dog.
The grammar is not correct. Replace is with are.
Identities are. Plural subject takes plural verb.