Este reportaje fue actualizado el 1 de diciembre del 2020 para incluir nuevos datos sobre la deforestación en Brasil.
Durante agosto del 2019, el aumento de los incendios en Brasil y Bolivia volvió a poner el Amazonas en el punto de mira.
Según un informe del Instituto de Investigación Ambiental de la Amazonía (IPAM) los fuegos estaban directamente relacionados con la deforestación.
A pesar de las promesas del gobierno de que pondría fin a la deforestación, los incendios en el bosque volvieron a ocurrir durante el mismo periodo de 2020.
Expertos atribuyen como las causas principales el acaparamiento de tierras y la expansión de la frontera agrícola y ganadera en estos dos países.
The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run. Put another way: a republic is the system of government that allows a country to be democratic!
Legislative branch I believe it is
Large-scale Mexican-U.S. migration has changed social, economic, and cultural life on both sides of the border. Migration to the United States can offer increased earnings and savings accumulation (Gathmann 2008).
Manifest destiny was a concept that was devoid of any consideration for the lives, land and property of the people against which it was targeted.
With time it came to acquire a most imperialistic bearing by embracing the proud and selfish reasoning that because America had been made great by its Anglo - Saxon heritage, this made America supremely fit and suited to extend its influence beyond its continental boundaries, that now it was the nation's manifest destiny to achieve this. Nowhere are the interests of other people mentioned.