Some oxegyn is realeased. Carbon then mixes with water making glucose. The carbo in the glucose is then oxidized to carbon dioxide. In fermentation starts after glucose is oxide and it makes glycosis!
A - After days and nights of incredible labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation of life; nay, more, I became myself capable of bestoing animation upon lifeless matter.
This line talks about the power of creating life - 'bestoing animaation upon lifeless matter' and that he has 'discovered the cause of generation of life'.
Video games engage the player on multiple levels by creating rewards, obstacles, stories, character traits, and increasing levels of difficulty as the gamer increases her or his skill in the game.
One, please be careful with the other guy answering, I’m pretty sure that link can track you and your address
Two, the quote shows that Ralph is a good leader because Ralph is encouraging the others to believe that help is coming.