Hi there!
As a result of Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), the U.S. Supreme Court banned B. the use of quotas in affirmative action.
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke was a landmark Supreme Court decision that ruled that while affirmative action programs are sometimes constitutional, racial quotas are a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Answer:Mark the statement if it describes how Rome's common people reacted to the problems that they experienced. They banded together, called themselves plebeians, and demanded political power. They refused to fight in the army. What was the role of the consuls in the Roman Republic?
Mythology is everywhere today such as city names,companies,planets,and
c<span>onstellations</span> that take their name or borrow their theme from greek myths.
Hope this helps if you need anything else just ask