wheat was not just for americans it was also for europe as they struggled to grow wheat
Actually, yes, it happens everywhere. most of the time some people believe in their own beliefs and get too hard headed and shallow to even process that not everyone has the same beliefs/practices that doesn't mean they're right nor wrong just different. like Atheism & Christianity; its a huge topic people discuss that usually always turns heated.
It doesn't seem like any of these seem to apply- I suggest trying to look elsewhere for answers or looking for a summary on these amendments to see which one fits best. But here's what I can understand s o far in the explanation below.
The 1st amendment is about freedom of speech and religion.
The second is the right to bear arms for a militia.
The 5th is about being able to not answer questions during a trial, as people can say "I plead the fifth" rather than committing perjury on stand and under oath by lying.
The 14th amendment is how people born in the US are considered citizens of the US even if their parents were from other countries.