he does this to show what the place use to look like.
what if the sun exploded ? The sun is a star, and when a star explodes it’s called a supernova. These types of explosions are very bright, and very powerful. They release lots of dust into space, which is used to make more stars and planets. Our solar system was made using stuff from these explosions. Even humans are made of star stuff!
If the sun suddenly exploded like this, the whole solar system would be destroyed. You don’t have to worry though – only stars ten times the size of our sun, or bigger, can explode like this. Our sun will end its life in a different way.
A supernova is like bursting a balloon. But when our sun dies, it will happen slowly, like when you gradually let the air out of a balloon.
The death of the sun When the sun starts to die, it will get bigger and slightly colder, turning into what astronomers call a “red giant”. It will get so big, that it will eat Mercury, Venus and even Earth.
The light from the sun is what keeps our planet warm. Without it, the planets in the solar system will get very cold. This would make it harder for life to stay alive in the solar system.
The purpose for including the affair was to have character development in the story. Abigail was willing to do anything, including the attempt to try and kill Goody Proctor in order to obtain John. This also made the foundation of Abigail, Goody Proctor, and John and how they were all significant in story development. If the writer had left of the detail of the affair, we wouldn't know why Abigail was trying to get rid of Elizabeth unless we made blind assumptions.
Huh? Is this a type of riddle lol?
Yes it is a run-on sentence. You are supposed to put a period at the end of world “world”.