1. esperanza likes to obsrve people and that she also ends up examine herself at the end of the book and she comes to relize to love what she has the most because it could be worse.
2 the nun had made her feel ashamed beccause of the house she lives in and she didnt like like it.
3.Esperanza describes the different types of hair of all the members of her family. Her own hair doesn’t do what she wants it to do, while her sister’s is smooth and oily. Her mother’s hair is beautiful and smells like bread. Esperanza likes to sleep near her mother so she can smell it.
If your options are:
A. The poem uses variations of meter to affect rhyme.
B. The poem’s sentences flow across stanzas.
C. The poem’s stanzas have varying lengths.
D. The poem uses nontraditional syntax and rhyme scheme.
Then the answer is D.
The nontraditional syntax is best shown in the use of enjambment - interrupting the thought and syntactic structure in the middle and moving the rest to the next line. For example: "and older than the // flow of human blood (...)"
Here, the definite article "the" has been separated from the noun "flow", which means the phrase is visually broken in half.
- A isn't true because this poem conveys its meaning through rhythm and not rhyme. There are virtually no rhymes here and the syntax (sentence structure) is disrupted, invoking the sound of a river flowing in irregular but consistent waves.
- B isn't true because the sentences do flow across lines but not across stanzas.
- The stanzas do have varying lengths. But even though this element was pretty rare prior to the 20th century, it is not exclusive to modernist poetry. That's why C isn't true either.
maybe Persuasive im not sure i don't pay attention in english