My most important choice is a fresh water sorce. It is my first choice because you need fesh water to live. My secound choice is mild climate. I picked mild climate because you need a good climate to plant and work. Third choice is fertile land. I picked that because you need fertile land to plant food and you need fertile land for that. My forth is near a river or ocean I picked that because a river or ocean is used for dirnking and a lot of other things. Fith is near a forest I picked that because a forest has plant you can use for medicine. My sixed choice is an area suitable for defense or spotting enemies I picked that because you need a spot to hide from your enemies so you wont get killed. Last is having friendly neighbors that is my last because you dont really need friendly neighbors but you do because if you enemies come you need to cooperate with them.
My grandfather was in the Vietnam War with a special operations unit and always found that the people back in America hated him. It didn't matter to him because he was doing what he thought was right. He lost some of his best buddies in the war and was called such bad names that I could never type or say. The Vietnam War was the first time that the troops didn't have American support and to many it would have hurt them. It hurt that our morale was low and it probably helped other countries with their morale because America didn't like their military anymore.
An oligarchy is a government in which the ruling power belongs to only a few people.
Rough Riders
The most famous of all the units fighting in Cuba, the "Rough Riders" was the name given to the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt resigned his position as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in May 1898 to join the volunteer cavalry.
The answer to your question would be property.