(a)-Rills, and arroyos or gullies develop mainly during prolonged droughts.
Soil erosion is the process of erosion, transport and sedimentation of soil, subsoils and rocks as an effect of the action of erosive agents such as water, winds and living things. The process of disintegration of rock particles (called sediments) is caused by the action of weathering (a set of chemical, physical and biological processes that cause soil and rock wear).
About soil erosion, we can confirm that the following information is true:
- Grasses and other vegetation, windbreaks, and contour cropping will help reduce soil loss from cultivated lands.
- Soils form naturally by weathering; if protected from erosion, sound management can maintain or enhance their nutrient levels and textural characteristics.
pollution levels in the atmosphere
One negative impact of increased production of goods is the increased levels of pollution in the atmosphere.
Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment beyond levels that are safe for life. The materials are the pollutants.
Production of goods or manufacturing generates a lot of waste with it. Air pollution is easily attributable to manufacturing.
Green house gases from combustion of fossil fuels to drive industrial processes generally leads to climate change.
Smokes and dusts can be produced by industrial processes and when scattered about causes pollution
I would just survey whoever is in my house. And I will be honest I have no idea what the survey is about but obviously your school (k12 maybe?) would not expect you to go around the neighborhood asking random people where their knuckle hair is located. All I can say Is try your best. Hope this helped. XD