Who is jakehill is he on an app?
If I compare the French and Spanish who came to this new world, I would say they were aggressive on taking the new land known as America. When the French came down they had no mercy whatsoever on the villagers and well being on the people who lived there. They killed people and claimed parts of North America such as Canada, Virgin Islands, or Haiti. When the Spanish came down they came down towards the south and as we all know him Ponce de Leon was one who found Florid to find the fountain of youth. Now the French and Spanish are different in a way where the Spanish was more calm and taking the land but the French was crazy about saying mine mine mine. If the Spanish went crazy mode it would have been when they conquered Mexico and Central America then wiped the Aztec, Incan, and Mayan race out sadly.
In 1915, The Atlantic Monthly carried an essay by Du Bois, "The African Roots of the War", which consolidated Du Bois's ideas on capitalism and race. In it, he argued that the scramble for Africa was at the root of World War I.
Bush wanted to keep diplomatic ties in place with China.
Bush wanted to avoid another dispute with a global superpower