This college cost and savings calculator is the ideal tool for your college planning needs. It combines a college cost calculator with a 529 college savings calculator. Obtain a personalized projection of your future college costs by entering your child's age, the type of college you're saving for, and your household income. This calculator shows you how much to save for college in a 529 college savings plan. You can adjust the monthly contribution to see how much monthly contributions can compound over time and the percentage of total college costs your savings will cover.
Step-by-step explanation:
For every lawn mowed, the amount earned increases by 10 dollars
Step-by-step explanation:
The answer would be 0 solutions.
Here, we see <em>|</em><em />x+6<em>|</em><em /> = 2.
Oh wow! A foreign object!
|x+6|... two lines... what is that?
That is called absolute value. Whatever is inside the two lines, must have a positive answer!
Let's pretend we have a machine that has this absolute value function activated.
What we put in, we must get a positive answer out.
Let's put in -6.
-6 ==> BEEP BEEP ==> 6
Let's try 3.
3 ==> BEEP BEEP ==>3
Whatever we put in, if it is negative or positive, what comes out is always positive.
So, for how many values <em>x</em> is |x+6|=-2 true?
None, because the answer <em>must</em><em /> be positive!
-2 is not positive, <em>2</em><em /> is.