statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.
D)The characteristics of a population of people. this website will help you out!
Answer: G.I. Bill
Baby boomers is a term for people born between 1946 and 1964 all over the world. Baby boomers represent<em> a special generation </em>in that they were the first generation raised to form positive expectations that the world is going to improve and recover from the war. Those children lived in better circumstances and grew up into wealthy individuals.
G.I. Bill, also known as <em>The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944</em>, provided various benefits for World War II veterans. The benefits included offering low-interest mortgages and covering education expenses. Logically, as the veterans were given these benefits, they opted for having children more easily. This is the main reason why more babies were born during this period than during the years that preceded G.I. Bill.