There are many situations in which a person may feel pressured to have sex or lose their abstinence. one of these situations is if your significant other is pressuring you to have sex,, even if you have stated that you want to stay abstinent. when you are pressured by someone to have sex,, you can overcome the situation by firmly stating your beliefs. speak firmly and state that you want to stay abstinent,, and if they do not accept your beliefs then they are not a real boyfriend/girlfriend. i'll provide an example of what this situation could look like and how you should respond below:
Significant Other: "I think we should have sex, if you love me you would"
Response: "I do not need to show my love for you through sex. I have strong personal beliefs and I want to stay abstinent. If you do not respect my beliefs, then I don't think you really love me and that this relationship is not going to work out."
another situation in which it may be hard practice abstinence is when your peers are talking about their own sexual experiences. if a bunch of your friends are not abstinent and have sex,, you may feel left or that youre missing out. your friends may talk about how great it is or bond with each other over conversations about sex which can make you feel left out or that youre weird for not wanting to have sex. in a situation like this,, you can overcome it by talking to your friends and keeping strong with your beliefs. when your friends are talking about it,, change the topic and remember why you are staying abstinent. whether it is because of your religion,, personal belief,, or to protect yourself from pregnancy/making someone pregnant or contracting an STD,, remember why it is important to you stay abstinent and you may eventually stop feeling so left out. if this doesnt work,, you can talk to your friends that you do not want to talk about sex because it makes it difficult for you to practice abstinence. if your friends do not stop talking about these topics despite you telling them this,, they are not real friends.
let me know if you have any further questions
Carbohydrates, Lipids and proteins
C. Try to listen to what his friend needs
The guidance the nurse would provide is
- Reduce the overall fat in your diet.
- Take blood pressure medication as prescribed.
- Exercise by briskly walking an average of 12 miles per week.
What is serious mental illness (smi) ?
Serious Mental Illness (SMI) – SMI is a smaller and more severe subset of mental illnesses;
SMI is defined as one or more mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder(s) resulting in serious functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities (NIMH).
Serious Mental Illness or SMI is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health as a mental, behavioral or emotional disorder that results in serious functional impairment which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities.
To learn more about Serious Mental Illness, refer
This kind of exposure is called caustic exposure.
A caustic exposure is an exposure to chemicals present in common household cleaning products like detergents, cleaning solutions, drain cleaners etc.
These contain caustic substances (strong concentration of acid or base) like sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid etc. When exposed directly on to the skin, due to its stronger concentration, it may burn the skin causing redness, irritation, numbness, or blackening of the skin surface.
Most of the times, these marks go away after some weeks because they are superficial or first-degree burn where only the epidermal layer of the skin gets affected.