During the Mexico-Texas conflict, President Houston sent out troops to make certain that all Mexican forces were out of San Antonio. A Texan army led by Colonel William S. Fisher ignored orders to return to Gonzales and attacked the Mexican town of Mier. Although they put up a good fight, the Texan army was outnumbered and captured as prisoners. The prisoners were taken back to Mexico City. They escaped, but many were recaptured only a week later. Santa Anna ordered the execution of every 10th prisoner whose fate was to be chosen by lottery. Every prisoner had to take a bean out of a jar; if he chose a black bean, he would be executed. Santa Anna executed 17 men who drew black beans. The remaining prisoners were taken to Perote prison and later released.
Explanation: this is the answer that Ed gave me as a possible answer.
Although Locke and Rousseau wrote prominent treatises on the social contract, Thomas Hobbes introduced the idea of it. He argued that human beings were evil in nature, and thus needed to enter a contract in which everyone basically agreed not to kill each other (i.e. in his natural state, although completely free, man would always be wary of subjected to another man's brutishness. Whereas in society we are all supposedly better off-even if there are sacrifices involved-because there is an agreement binding each man into behavior that's meant to contain man's evil nature).
The answer is B. three-fourths of state legislatures
The second step is that 3/4 of state legislatures must vote "yes" to amend the constitution because if they didn't need state legislatures, they could make amendments that the people of the states wouldn't like.
Hope this helps!
Supporting job training programs = more jobs = better economy
The Senate has 100 members, elected for six year terms in dual-seat constituencies, two from each state. One-third are renewed every two years. The group of the Senate seats that is up for election during a given year is known as a class.
The House of Representatives has 435 members, elected for two year terms in single-seat constituencies. House of Representatives elections are held every two years on the first Tuesday after November 1 in even years, correlated with presidential elections..