Steamboats. Steamboats positively effected the world because they made the transportation of goods more efficient and economical. Travel time was cut in half and were a compliment of the railroads, both for commercial and passenger transportation. Steamboats were independent on the wind speed and direction.
<u>"Deductive"</u> reasoning starts with an empirical puzzle, generates a hypothesis, then uses specific cases or evidence to test the hypothesis.
Deductive reasoning is a logical procedure in which an end depends on the concordance of different premises that are for the most part thought to be true. Deductive thinking is once in a while alluded to as best down rationale. Its counterpart, inductive thinking, is here and there alluded to as base up rationale. Where deductive thinking continues from general premises to a particular end, inductive thinking continues from particular premises to a general end.
Accountant - Logical-mathematical intelligence
Engineer - Logical-mathematical intelligence
For accountant :
Logical mathematical intelligence may be defined as the quality or ability of an person who can apply the principles or concepts of logic or the mathematical methods, or numbers and the quantitative skills to reason. And an accountant is a person who has to work immensely on accounting using these mathematical skills and knowledge needs a logical mathematical intelligence.
For engineer :
People having Logical intelligence can process information through their logic and reason. They are mostly attracted to investigation by the means of scientific method. They have the capacity of analyzing various problems logically and carry out the mathematical operations as well design new solutions to the problems using engineering skills and technical knowledge.
Self-awareness -- C. Understanding what you are feeling
Self-motivation -- A. Trying again if you fail
Self-management -- B. Controlling your impulses
Empathy -- E. Interpreting others’ feelings
Social skills -- D. Helping someone else become less upset