Today we went to the art museum with the Art teacher, it was amazing.
There were a lot of paintings from several famous painters, such as Diego Rivas, Vang Gogh and even some photos from Andy Warhol!
On the second floor of the museum, there was a big sculpture of a man and a woman dancing and some other abstract paintings that I did not understand.
We also went to the gift shop at the museum where I bought a nice book about photography and contemporary art, and my friend Lidia bought a small souvenir for her mother. The sad part was that the museum was making some reformations and the third floor, where different artists show their art, was closed but after all, it was a nice trip!
We use the past simple to talk about actions that happened in the past in a specific time, in this case, it was today morning or afternoon.
We use the past continuous to talk about actions that happened over some time in the past, they are not punctual, like the ones in the past simple. The example in the text is -The museum was making some reformations-