The house is not enchanted nor does the landlady possess magical powers.
Roald Dahl's short story "The Landlady" revolves around the story of Billy Weaver and his encounter with a strange landlady in whose "Bed and Breakfast" he was staying. The story ends unresolved, leading the readers to imagine for themselves what really happened in the end.
Billy Weaver had arrived at Bath for the first time to start his job. As he doesn't know anyone, he decided to stay in a hotel for the time being. While looking for a reasonable place to stay, he came upon a small sign that says<em> "Bed and Breakfast"</em>. And he was hooked as if some strange spell was pulling him towards the place. Even the landlady seemed to have been expecting him, for she opened the door right after it rang.
There seems to be no indication that the place was enchanted. But at the same time, there are certain elements that seem to suggest to that. the narrator reveals <em>"his eye was caught and held in the most peculiar manner by the small notice that was there. BED AND BREAKFAST."</em> He continues, <em>"Each word was like a large black eye staring at him through the glass, holding him, compelling him, forcing him to stay where he was and not to walk away from that house." </em>But this doesn't prove that the place is enchanted.
Moreover, the landlady doesn't have any magical powers, rather she was a killer.
Assure could mean making sure something happens, to comfort or remove doubts from a person, or make someone sure of something.
If it's one word answers it could be persuading, guaranteeing, promising, convincing, reassure, satisfy, or tell.
I hope this helps without answer choices it's kind of hard to know what kind of answer you need. Have a great day!
B. A faster pace would have been more appropriate for the speech’s content and audience.
Mateo is speaking to the audience and refers to the audience as US indicating he is talking to fellow students about the injustice of the strict snow days.
Children are more likely to get bored listening to a talker with a professional tone or if the speaker is being more casual then the audience would think the speech is not important allowing the audience to miss the speech before it has even begun.
But by making the speech faster you are allowing the audience to begin to believe on their own about the injustice and it begins to work up their blood pressure.
Hitler was very good at getting the people to believe in what he wished because he made his speeches short and fast.
A subordinate clause needs to be paired with an independent clause as it cannot stand on its own.
The puzzle of altruism is best stated in the opening line that wonders if altruism does opposite of what it means to.
Altruism is a murky territory. It is one of the core values of humanity in the modern sense in that the people acknowledge that there is a need to give back to less fortunate ones if one is in fact, fortunate.
But then again, there is a thing that the altruism may only lead to more altruism and not actual independence from the need of altruism as it does not build, it merely provides.
Thus, until there is a way to use such altruism effectively this will be an issue pervading them.