You would C., begin the research process a second time, because DEFINITELY in a research paper/topic you need the MOST information, facts, and details about your topic to really inform as much as possible to your readers about your topic! If it's a lil relevant and too general to give specific support, that shows you need to rewrite your paper, as you may get scored poorly as it does not sufficiently answer the prompt.
I hope I helped! ;-;
The cold equations is one of the most famous science fiction short story made by Tom Godwin. I think the other title that could fit in this story is this one, "The unwanted loving cargo" because its all about a girl that is on board on a ship where pilot, Baron would come to a decision in jettisoned the girl in the atmosphere so make the mission successful. helpful
You are right, but that is not a question.
an intense feeling of deep affection.
a great interest and pleasure in something.
feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone).