Science textbooks,biographies and newspaper articles
True because Direct characterization, or explicit characterization, describes the character through their physical description, line of work, or passions and pursuits. Indirect characterization describes a character through their thoughts, actions, speech, and dialogue
good imagination, ressources, sense of authenticity, being able to express various types of literature symbols like foreshadowing and symbolism.
sormthing like that.
This is Shakespeare's Sonnet 45.
In this sonnet, he finds himself in continous fluctuation between joy and sorrow. This is as a result of the absence of the one he loved. His thoughts were always moving to and fro between him and his love.
Actually, this sonnet relates to his previous sonnet. He finds that his thoughts and desires are not so much in himself, as with his beloved (hence present-absent.)
Substances were said to be made up of fire, air, earth and water. But when a substance is deprived of two of them, air and fire, (the other two) which correspond to thought and desire, the body responds and sinks into melancholy and decay.