It is called "Strategic Policing".
This is a type of policing with the goal of professional crime fighting but goes further to enlarge it's enforcement target to include serial offenders, gangs and criminal associations, drug-distribution networks and cyber criminals. Strategic policing takes advantage of technology as a widely accepted innovative enforcement techniques which includes intelligence operations, undercover stings, electronic surveillance and sophisticated forensic methods.
Surveys indicate that 2 to 3.5 percent percent of adults in the united states meet the criteria for antisocial personality disorder.
People with the antisocial disorder are characterized with the following: they are reckless and impulsive, are likely to lie repeatedly, and they have little regard for other individuals, and can be cruel, sadistic, aggressive, and violent.
Answer: The advice are:
+ Don't befriend each other
+ Surround yourself with positive people
+ Try a new thing
+ Let go of the memory
+ Focus on your life and use every power you have to make it better
+ Live in the present not the past
+ Learn from it and accept it
No, Krakuer does not cite any evidence regarding his analysis about alex relationship with his father.He believe that alex just got stuck in the middle of conflict between McCandless and the father. But, he is just basing the assumption on the relationship between McCandless and the father without knowing for sure how alex behave to the conflict.
they relied more on british trade.